Monday, December 3, 2007

By popular demand...

So I feel this video requires some description... throw your mind back to youth conference a few months back, the highlight of which was the sessions each afternoon where the kids could make 'presentations', song a song, do a dance, etc. A couple of the guys, Edu and Arthur i think (?) did a 'traditional Luhya dance' in old overalls and really bad hats, so Shayla and I decided to respond with a traditional American dance- what else but jazzercise? Fortunately, the camera battery ran out halfway through :) so you'll see the first part of fine stylin' jazzercise in normal, double and triple time, and the fun the kids had joining in, then the way they gradually just stopped and stared in horror... :)
Just want to add a disclaimer that I'm not the one who asked for this video...


Daddio said...

ok....i've got to assume that the other young lady in the video are you, elf, because I KNOW the other one to be by wonderfully dorkey daughter. thanks for doing this...

gary (aka daddio)

Daddio said...

oooops...IS YOU.....not ARE YOU..